If you are asked who is Asia's richest self-made billionaire… and you happen to think of the Sun of the pharma universe, then yes, you got it right. It is Mr. Dilip Shanghvi.
Together with a head for numbers, Shanghvi - who started life as a wholesaler of pharmaceutical products in Kolkata where his father ran a business — has a knack for turning around companies.
Dilip was born in small town of Amreli in Gujarat on 1 October 1955. His father was a trader of bulk pharma products.
It was during his work as a drugs distributor at Kolkata, he thought of manufacturing his own drugs instead of selling others products. And he founded Sun Pharmaceuticals with a capital of Rs. 10,000/- that he borrowed from his father.
After coming to Mumbai in 1983, Shanghvi initially focused on a few niche products like psychiatry drugs and capsules. With a two-man marketing team and five psychiatry products, he started a small manufacturing facility in the industrial town of Vapi in Gujarat. Back then, very few multinational drug firms would make these drugs, as their products were selling well. So, a well picked product segment gave him an edge over other players.
Four years later, the company started selling across India.
In 1989, after launching a few cardiology products, Shanghvi began to export to neighbouring countries, and has never looked back. In 1991, he set up a research centre for his company. Three years later, Sun Pharma went in for an initial public offering.
Unlike many other pharma top bosses, Shanghvi does not have any formal science education. He completed his bachelors degree in commerce. But his excellent acquisition strategy and unique management style has helped him achieve the greater heights of success.
He has been balanced and consistent in his expansion plans and implementation. Through his efforts, loss making entities are also money making. Each of his acquisitions was well planned and they enabled him to diversify business to new sectors.
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